Friday 17 July 2015

How to: Exercise with confidence

Despite a lack of physical activity contributing to 1 in 6 UK deaths, an increasing number of women - including girls as young as ten - are shunning sport and physical education classes in fear of how others may perceive their size, shape and appearance.
In fact, statistics not only indicate that two million fewer women than men now participate in sport and regular exercise, but girls as young as ten are avoiding P.E lessons as a result of their paranoia surrounding 'puppy fat' - an extremely sad but true fact that resembles our younger generations psychological battle with body image - but should something so superficial really be preventing us from enjoying the life-enhancing benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle?
Although it's natural to experience an overwhelming feeling of diminished self-esteem when participating in physical activity - particularly if you're new to exercise or susceptible to feeling self-conscious about your size and stamina - everyone, and I repeat EVERYONE is guilty of resembling a hyperventilating sweaty mess during and after a tough and effective workout - even the most elite of athletes struggle to avoid grunting and grimacing when they push their body and mind to their limits - but unfortunately, that's the reality of exercising in the real world.
As much as we would all love to resemble the definition of perfection, there will be grimacing, there will be grunting and you will most definitely feel every wobbly bit wobble as you struggle to catch your breath and avoid drowning in your own sweat, but do you know what? That's how EVERYONE looks and feels when pushing themselves during periods of physical activity. It's nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about, nor is it an excuse to avoid improving your physical and psychological health in fear of being ridiculed, it's your body's natural reaction to change, challenge and a workout that's doing its job...working!
So, the next time the thought of skipping sport, exercise or a physical education class crosses your mind, remember this...
If Paloma Faith - one of the most talented and beautiful women in the world - can grunt and grimace in full view of the public and paparazzi as she pushes her body to its limits, you can most definitely run, walk and cycle past the small minority of narrow minded individuals who are secretly looking at you with awe and admiration.

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