Monday 29 June 2015

Fitness motivation: The difference between weight loss successful & failure

A river cuts through a rock, not because of its power, but because of it's persistence.
A successful weight loss programme doesn't stem from a quick fix, fad diet or rapid results, it develops as a result of your strength, discipline and determination to find a way to overcome the obstacles that challenge you on both a physical and psychological scale.
You will experience the overwhelming urge to quit, and you will feel disheartened, defeated and drained, but the sweat, tears and pain that have pushed you to your limits resemble one thing - the fine line between success and failure.
Those with the strength, discipline and determination to rise each time they fall regardless of the sweat, tears and obstacles they face, succeed. Those who quit at the first sign of defeat and discomfort, fail.
In order to change, you need to challenge yourself to the point of stepping outside of your comfort zone - to the zone where you feel physically and psychologically challenged to the point of defeat - and it's what you chose to do outside of this comfort zone that will determine whether your weight loss journey is a success, or a failure.
Cowards and the weak will always find an excuse in every obstacle, but winners resemble a river - they see past the obstacles and find a way to work around the excuses that may otherwise jeopardise their success. Which would you rather be?

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