Monday 29 June 2015

When is the 'best' time to exercise?

First thing in the morning, last thing at night or on an empty stomach resembles one thing - the difficult dilemma fitness addicts face when struggling to determine the 'best' time to train, but does the time of day that we chose to participate in physical activity really have an influential impact on the results we reap from exercise?
Although the time of day that you chose to train - be it early morning, after work or late evening - may have a negative impact on your exercise efforts, it won't necessarily effect your long-term results. In fact, time will only pose as a problem if you fail to listen to your body by forcing it to participate in physical activity during a period where it's least energised, for some that's first thing in the morning and for others it's after a long day at work, as you'll not only be unable to maintain mental motivation, but struggle to perform to your full potential - if repeated over a prolonged period of time, half hearted workouts can deter progress and leave you feeling increasingly more fatigued.
When it comes to the 'best' time to train, opt for the time that you feel most energised, focused and motivated to give it your all, the time when your mind and muscle connection is on point and you feel that you can give 110% to every rep, step, lift or cadence - this resembles the best time for YOU and your individual body.

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