Friday, 27 February 2015

Fruit & Vegetables: The Benefits of 5 a day

Are you getting your 5 a day? Here are just a selection of the benefits associated with consuming 5 80g portions of fruit and vegetables per day:
1) They're a great source of essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin c, potassium and folate.
2) They can lower the risk of developing serious health conditions including heart disease, stroke, obesity, type 2 diabetes and some cancers such as bowl cancer.
3) They account for a third of the definition of a healthy balanced diet.
4) They provide a great source of dietary fiber - essential for a healthy gut and the prevention of digestion problems.
5) They're low in both fat and calories making them the perfect snack and meal option for those seeking weight loss and maintenance.
6) They provide sustained energy as opposed to the short-term boost found in unhealthy options such as chocolate and crisps.
7) Their fiber-rich qualities can aid weight loss by leaving you feeling full and less likely to overeat.
8) They're so versatile that you can incorporate them into snacks, meals and drinks.
9) They're delicious and full of natural sugar as opposed to the unhealthy sugar we need to reduce.
10) Fresh, canned, frozen, dried and pure all count towards your 5 a day allowing everyone to incorporate them into their daily diet.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Exercise: Mind Over Body

After a less than average training session, I thought that I would share a little inspiration with you...

The ability to sustain physical activity and maintain optimum performance throughout the duration of your workout can occasionally be a struggle, and finding the mental and physical energy to persevere can not only prove frustrating, but have a damaging impact on confidence and motivation.

Regardless of how determined you are to smash your daily workout, sometimes your mental attitude has a habit of failing you at the most important hurdle, forcing your performance to suffer, and exercise to instantly become a stressful chore - this is completely normal, acceptable and happens to the best of us!

A great tip is to remember that your mind quits long before your body, and focusing on the negative aspects of a difficult workout will only intensify the areas you're struggling with, increasing those stress and frustration levels, and making the thought of quitting appear like the only option. Don't quit.
Instead, stop, take a breather and tell yourself that you CAN do this, because nine times out of ten, its purely a case of a lazy or stressed mind restricting your body's ability to kick some serious butt.

However, if you've been pushing your body to the max by performing intense exercise on a regular basis, struggling with one or more workouts may indicate burnout. Take some time off to rest, recover and reevaluate the intensity of the exercise you're performing, as you may be pushing yourself too hard, or too hard too soon.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

The Media's Impact On Weight Loss

Renowned for their unrealistic definition of the 'ideal' body, the media's constant portrayal of clinically underweight models and professionally airbrushed images can have a detrimental impact on both weight management, and body image.

By bombarding us with flawless, yet fake examples of so-called perfection, many feel pressured to make unrealistic comparisons and set unattainable goals, but did you know that the negative body image many of us struggle with often stems from the mass media's definition of the 'perfect' body?

In order to accomplish your weight loss goals in a healthy, realistic way, learning to become blinkered to the irrelevant opinion of the media and others is essential. Why? Because unlike the airbrushed models that surround us, you're real, and real resembles emotional and physical scars, stretch marks, curves, cellulite, imperfections and everything that makes you, you.

Persistence doesn't lie in the pretend perfection guaranteed to diminish your confidence and motivation and shatter your goals, it lies in your ability to be honest with yourself about what you're realistically capable of achieving.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Snacking & Weight Loss

Quick, convenient and easy are just a selection of the words associated with snacking, but do we really need to eliminate this simple action from our diets in order to lose weight?

Although munching on the wrong food sources can increase the risk of developing an unnecessary habit, snacking is a great way to boost and maintain energy levels, and minimize the risk of overeating during meals. Providing that you opt for nutritious snacks in the form of fruit, vegetables and nuts, daily snacks are perfectly acceptable as part of a healthy, balanced diet.

Top tip: Avoid reaching for chocolate bars, cakes and crisps for a quick energy boost. These unhealthy snack options not only offer minimal nutritional value, but are high in saturated fat and sugar, and provide a short-term energy boost in comparison to their healthier alternatives.

Athletes Foot: Treatment & Tips

Sweaty socks, clothing and towels are just a selection of the culprits responsible for providing the perfect environment for fungi to multiply, and it's this particular fungus which proves to be a troublesome problem for many fitness addicts.

Tinea pedis or athletes foot, is a common fungal infection often associated with athletes of all levels as a result of the warm and damp conditions found in every day gym accessories such as socks, trainers, clothing and towels - all are renowned for providing a hot, sweaty environment for the infection to spread.

Although there are variations of the skin condition which include small blisters, an itchy rash and the areas between the toes becoming white and sodden, before splitting and peeling to reveal red, raw skin, providing that the toenails aren't involved, athletes foot can be successfully treated via a combination of pharmacy brought liquid and powders, and a simple home care regime. 

Here are my essential tips for ensuring that this troublesome foot problem is kept at bay:

* Avoid wearing tight socks, tights and synthetic fibers which all encourage sweating

* Change socks on a daily basis as and when required

* Dust all shoes, socks and slippers etc with athletes foot powder in order to prevent cross and reinfection

* Thoroughly wash and dry feet on a daily basis, particularly after excessive sweating, exercise and during periods of hot weather which are all renowned for aggravating the condition - talc is a product to ensure that the areas between the toes remain dry and damp free

* Avoid walking bare foot - particularly in communal areas where the infection has an increased potential to spread to others

* Avoid sharing towels, shoes and clothing with others

* Never use the same towel twice

* Always wash hands thoroughly after direct contact with the infected area

As a fully qualified and insured manicurist, pedicurist and natural nail care specialist, I highly recommend athletes foot spray liquid by Scholl which is a fast and effective anti-fungal treatment guaranteed to provide speedy results.

Top tip: Much to contrary belief, anyone can fall victim to this common and troublesome foot problem regardless of how clean you are, or how much exercise you do!!

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

How To Create A Positive Body Image

A negative perception of one's body image can not only have a detrimental impact on confidence, lifestyle and mental health, but increase the risk of developing a multitude of health conditions such as eating disorders, malnutrition and depression.

Although the unrealistic definition of the 'perfect' body forces many to religiously compare and criticize, creating a positive mindset can help distinguish fact from fiction when you look in the mirror. Here are my top tips to ensure body beautiful:

* Focus on the areas of your body and appearance that you can change as opposed to obsessing about the areas that you can't.

* Acknowledge what makes you unique. We all are beautiful in our own individual way, and that one thing you hate will often be the one thing others love or admire.

* Ignore the image conscious media. Airbrushed models aren't real. You on the other hand, are.

* Eliminate self-criticism by recognizing what's strong, healthy and beautiful about you and your body.

* Cherish what your body and mind are capable of. There will always be those less fortunate than you who would give anything to see, hear or even walk.

* Think positive. A negative mindset will not only emphasize what you dislike about your appearance, but create flaws that aren't real.

Top tip: Persistence is key when it comes to weight loss, but a negative mindset can instantly diminish motivation and leave you feeling incapable of smashing those goals. Never underestimate the power of positivity, its truly a weapon in disguise.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Lose weight the smart way

In order to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle, the ability to set realistic, sustainable goals is essential. By using the SMART method to plan, manage and monitor your weight, you're more likely to persevere, and smash those weight loss goals:

S = Specific. You're more likely to stick to a set goal than a vague target. Be specific about how you want to look and feel in 6 months, and plan how you'll achieve it.

M = Measurable. Without measurement, its impossible to determine the progress you are or aren't making. Take a before photo, measure your problem areas or take note of how your clothes feel and adapt your weight loss programme accordingly.

A = Attainable. Although set targets should be challenging, they shouldn't be impossible. By being realistic and setting achievable goals, you're more likely to persevere and succeed.

R = Relevant. In a realistic world, a busy mum of 3 working irregular hours won't have the time or energy to religiously commit to daily workouts. By setting relevant goals to suit you and your lifestyle, you'll feel more motivated to find the time, and make an effort.

T = Timed. Be it days, months or years, focusing on a set deadline will not only give you something to work towards, but allow you to challenge and compete with yourself, in order to keep those motivation levels high.

Top tip: Unrealistic goals and exceptions are one of the main culprits responsible for failed weight loss goals. Be real and find a healthy lifestyle that suits YOU.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Weight Loss Motivation

Don't spend your time training to look like someone else. Embrace who you are, love yourself and tell yourself that you can do this, because strength comes in all shapes and sizes.

A healthy balanced diet

Similar to cars, our body relies on an adequate fuel intake in order to move, survive and function. 
By viewing your body as your own unique engine, you will realize that just like a finely tuned car, YOUR engine requires the right fuel to move and function efficiently....the type of fuel found in a healthy, balanced diet.

Carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, fibre and fluid are the essential nutrients your engine relies on for adequate health, growth, survival and activity. Consume them on a daily basis, and you will have your very own finely tuned machine.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Healthy is the new skinny

With an image conscious world fueled by the medias obsession with the 'perfect' body, many of us are guilty of focusing on what our body 'should' look like, as opposed to what is realistically possible.

The constant body comparison we feel obliged to perform on a daily basis is not only unhealthy, but more than often the main culprit responsible for eating disorders, diminished motivation, a lack of confidence and failed weight loss goals, but how do we overcome this destructive obstacle? Simple...

Both men and women alike come in different shapes and sizes, some with medical conditions that result in weight struggles, others with metabolisms that make gaining weight difficult, but whats important is that we are all perfect in our own individual way.

Although a defined physique isn't impossible to achieve, we will all gain our own variation of 'perfection' as a result of our body's unique metabolism, height, flaws and size. For example, someone who has stretch marks after bringing three beautiful children into the world, is never going to lose those marks to resemble the 'perfect' flawless body we 'should' all have, and thats ok.

Don't ever feel pressured into changing purely to make others happy, or because the media insists that's how you should look. Change for yourself, and your health. Photoshopped magazines and airbrushed images do not resemble the REAL healthy world, they resemble an unhealthy, and unrealistic perception of the perfect body that doesn't exist.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Green Tea

Despite green tea being renowned for its multitude of health benefits, I'll be the first to admit that the thought of downing anything green, or tea related, instantly makes my stomach turn. 

However, after getting my hands on this mini sample that claims to contain up to 10x more antioxidants and nutrients than a regular cup of green tea, I've decided to embrace the hype surrounding this superfood and give it a go! 

For those green tea virgins out there who haven't quite plucked up the courage to experience this natural goodness, keep posted for my upcoming review x

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Water: The perfect alternative

An adequate fluid intake can often prove difficult to maintain for those who dislike the taste of standard water, but thanks to my latest find, water has never taste so good! 

Asda, Tesco, Morrisons & Sainsburys all do their own version of sparkling flavoured spring water, which is low in calories, fat, salt & sugar regardless of which flavour you opt for.

Although each supermarkets price varies, I have been purchasing four 1 litre bottles for £1.50 (or 39p single) from Asda, who have had this particular offer running on a continuous basis.

As a hardcore hater of all things water, I literally cannot drink enough of this stuff, particularly the apple & mango which is super refreshing and so, so tasty! 

Monday, 2 February 2015

Motivational Monday: Fitness Motivation

You know that little voice in the back of your head telling you that you can't? Its lying.

The competition isn't against you and the million and one others who have earned their definition of a 'perfect' body, its just you, against you.

Your body can withstand almost anything, but its your mind and the little voice that fills it with I can't, I won't, its impossible that needs convincing, because you can, you will and NOTHING is impossible.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Weight Loss Motivation: 1lb of Fat

Unrealistic weight loss goals are one of the main reasons many fail to hit their target weight and 'perfect' body. 

If you're constantly counting every calorie consumed, every pound lost and religiously comparing your body to the medias idea of photoshopped perfection, how are you going to find the motivation to accomplish those goals?

For those of you who are guilty of beating yourself up for ''only'' losing 1lb, take a step back and remember that this is what 1lb of unwanted fat looks like. Are you still feeling disheartened? I didn't think so...