Are you getting your 5 a day? Here are just a selection of the benefits associated with consuming 5 80g portions of fruit and vegetables per day:
1) They're a great source of essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin c, potassium and folate.
2) They can lower the risk of developing serious health conditions including heart disease, stroke, obesity, type 2 diabetes and some cancers such as bowl cancer.
3) They account for a third of the definition of a healthy balanced diet.
4) They provide a great source of dietary fiber - essential for a healthy gut and the prevention of digestion problems.
5) They're low in both fat and calories making them the perfect snack and meal option for those seeking weight loss and maintenance.
6) They provide sustained energy as opposed to the short-term boost found in unhealthy options such as chocolate and crisps.
7) Their fiber-rich qualities can aid weight loss by leaving you feeling full and less likely to overeat.
8) They're so versatile that you can incorporate them into snacks, meals and drinks.
9) They're delicious and full of natural sugar as opposed to the unhealthy sugar we need to reduce.
10) Fresh, canned, frozen, dried and pure all count towards your 5 a day allowing everyone to incorporate them into their daily diet.