Friday, 20 February 2015

Athletes Foot: Treatment & Tips

Sweaty socks, clothing and towels are just a selection of the culprits responsible for providing the perfect environment for fungi to multiply, and it's this particular fungus which proves to be a troublesome problem for many fitness addicts.

Tinea pedis or athletes foot, is a common fungal infection often associated with athletes of all levels as a result of the warm and damp conditions found in every day gym accessories such as socks, trainers, clothing and towels - all are renowned for providing a hot, sweaty environment for the infection to spread.

Although there are variations of the skin condition which include small blisters, an itchy rash and the areas between the toes becoming white and sodden, before splitting and peeling to reveal red, raw skin, providing that the toenails aren't involved, athletes foot can be successfully treated via a combination of pharmacy brought liquid and powders, and a simple home care regime. 

Here are my essential tips for ensuring that this troublesome foot problem is kept at bay:

* Avoid wearing tight socks, tights and synthetic fibers which all encourage sweating

* Change socks on a daily basis as and when required

* Dust all shoes, socks and slippers etc with athletes foot powder in order to prevent cross and reinfection

* Thoroughly wash and dry feet on a daily basis, particularly after excessive sweating, exercise and during periods of hot weather which are all renowned for aggravating the condition - talc is a product to ensure that the areas between the toes remain dry and damp free

* Avoid walking bare foot - particularly in communal areas where the infection has an increased potential to spread to others

* Avoid sharing towels, shoes and clothing with others

* Never use the same towel twice

* Always wash hands thoroughly after direct contact with the infected area

As a fully qualified and insured manicurist, pedicurist and natural nail care specialist, I highly recommend athletes foot spray liquid by Scholl which is a fast and effective anti-fungal treatment guaranteed to provide speedy results.

Top tip: Much to contrary belief, anyone can fall victim to this common and troublesome foot problem regardless of how clean you are, or how much exercise you do!!

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