Wednesday 13 May 2015

Mental Health Awareness Week: Diary of an anti-depressant - citalopram

Diary of an anti-depressant: Day 2
I woke at 7am after finally drifting off at 3am and felt alert and dare I say it, relatively happy. My head was strangely clear as opposed to the million and one things that usually bombard it, but I still felt very fuzzy headed with a slight headache. I eventually fell back to sleep only to wake a short time later feeling extremely nauseous.
Once up, I struggled to function and felt rather disorientated yet refreshed - a some what strange feeling that I'm baffled by. I find myself enjoying my own company more so than normal, but I feel that this is purely due to the sudden adjustment of not experiencing a low mood and being riddled with worry - the first time in 18 years. That said, I have been in a pleasant mood all day.
Despite being slightly concerned about the impact the disorientation would have on exercise, I smashed my workout - coincidence maybe? I did notice that I felt a lot more tired after exercising, yet still came home feeling refreshed - the fresh air definitely helped! I also enjoyed a conversation with strangers without experiencing overwhelming panic or the urge to stutter, but I still didn't feel 100% confident being in what I would normally find to be an intimidating situation.
Reoccurring nausea and disorientation are still very much a problem, and I also experienced mild hand tremors which disappeared as quickly as they arose. Aside from the odd side effect, I'm feeling positive about the forthcoming weeks...

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