Wednesday 13 May 2015

Top Tips: How to curb cravings

Learning to curb unwanted cravings may not be easy, but it’s not impossible. Here are my top tips for banishing those bothersome binges:
•Drink. Don’t confuse thirst with hunger. Try drinking a glass of water prior to reaching for the sugary snacks and see if the ‘craving’ subsides.
•Be patient. The majority of cravings last an average of 20 minutes. If you’re still ‘starving’ once those 20 minutes have passed, opt for a healthy snack as opposed to a sugary alternative.
•Don’t skip meals. Starving yourself in an attempt to lose excess weight will only intensify the urge to reach for a quick energy boost in the form of a sugary snack. Ensure that your blood sugar and energy levels remain stable by consuming regular snacks and meals throughout the day.
•Assess the situation. Boredom, emotions and habit can all have a psychological influence on the foods that we chose to consume. Take a step back and analyse the situation. Does your body really NEED more food? Or does your craving stem from a psychological source?
•Cut the crap. It is easy to develop an addictive taste for energy dense food and drink sources high in fat and/or sugar - especially if consumed on a daily basis - as our bodies quickly become reliant on the short-term energy boost they provide. A reduction in your dietary fat and sugar intake, and the introduction of healthy and nutritious snacks such as fruit and vegetables, will minimise the risk of developing an unhealthy addiction.
•Fill up on fibre. Renowned for its ability to leave you feeling fuller for longer, ensuring that your dietary fibre intake meets the recommended 18g per day will reduce the risk of overeating.

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