Saturday, 31 January 2015

Walking: Reap the benefits & avoid plateaus

Although often overlooked for its health benefits, walking is not only a fantastic way to keep in shape, but great for overall health and well-being. Here are my top tips to ensure that you continue to reap those walking results, and avoid unwanted plateaus:

Add hills - be it steep or small, incorporating hills into your walk will add resistance and challenge your body.

Pick up pace - increasing your speed to a brisk power walk will not only make that heart rate soar, but burn more energy.

Suck & squeeze - for an effective full body (ish!) workout, squeeze those leg and butt muscles and suck in that will be surprised at how different and more intense your walk feels!

Interval training - great for weight loss and a fantastic way to keep those motivation levels up, interval training is the perfect way to add intensity to your walks. Even a 1 minute brisk walk followed by a 30 second steady jog repeated in the same cycle for 30 minutes, is a brilliant way to burn more energy, remain interested and really challenge your body. You can also increase and decrease intervals to suit your personal fitness level, making it the perfect option for both beginner and advanced walkers.

Stretch - more flexibility, less prone to injury and a reduction in muscle tension are just a selection of the numerous benefits stretching pre and post workout provides - never underestimate the importance of incorporating stretching into any workout!!

Walk more - although any fitness programme should be progressively increased over a period of time, walking for longer durations, increasing mileage or walking five days a week as opposed to four, will burn more energy and keep you on your toes.

Weight loss: Tips and advice

Like many, my weight loss journey was far from easy, but with the right determination, motivation and perseverance, I smashed my personal bests and gained the body I only used to dream of. Here are a few invaluable tips I learned along the way:

Food isn't a luxury. Its a necessity - don't use food as a reward for accomplished goals. Instead, treat yourself to a massage, or even a new pair of shoes in order to avoid unhealthier treat options such as cakes and chocolate.

Set small, realistic goals - losing a stone a week isn't healthy nor realistic. A pound a week is.

Don't push beyond your limits - yes you need to challenge your body, but pushing yourself to the point of burnout is a recipe for disaster Pace yourself and increase reps, speed and duration gradually.

Don't deprive yourself - no food is forbidden providing you eat it within moderation. A pizza a day isn't healthy, but a treat a week won't ruin all your hard work.

Don't avoid carbs - carbohydrates aren't the enemy, they are the body and minds main source of fuel and an essential part of a healthy, balanced diet. Opting for healthier alternatives such as brown rice and wholemeal bread will ensure you provide your body with healthy fuel.

Find a sport you love - although a one hour workout is only 4% of our day, persistence is key when it comes to weight loss. If you choose an exercise you enjoy, you're more likely to stick to it and see the changes you strive for.

Don't overeat - hitting the gym doesn't give you an excuse to eat like a horse. In order to lose weight, you need to burn more energy than you are consuming, and eating additional calories just because you're in the gym 5-6 times a week won't do your body, or weight loss any favours.

Tip of the day: Train hard or go home

Never underestimate the power of the mind muscle connection during workouts...

By contracting your muscles and focusing on the muscle group you are training, you will not only gain better results, but a more effective workout.

To see change, you need to challenge your body and mind, but is watching your favourite soap in order to survive your daily workout really a challenge? I didn't think so...

Weight loss and eating disorders: My own transformation

Buns & Guns was created with the aim of helping others lose, gain & maintain their weight the healthy way.

As someone who has experienced my own body transformation, I have been both dangerously over & under weight, suffering bulimia & anorexia, & obesity. 

At my lowest weight of 6 stone, I battled malnutrition & life threatening illnesses as a result of a lack of food, where at my heaviest of 20 stone, I struggled to lose the weight I had gained through a lack of exercise & unhealthy dietary habits.

Now training in health & nutrition with plans of becoming a personal trainer, I am maintaining a healthy weight of 9 stone 12 lbs with the aim of helping others feel & look beautiful in the healthiest way possible.

How to overcome exercise excuses

A lack of motivation, minimal budget & 'inappropriate weather conditions' are just a selection of the culprits responsible for skipping workouts, & unhealthy dietary habits, but nothing is impossible. In fact, with a few adaptations, we can all maintain a healthy mind, body & lifestyle. Here is my mini checklist of how to overcome those exercise excuses.

* Stay motivated - joining a fitness class or finding a gym buddy will ensure those motivation levels remain high, as well as provide social support from like minded people.

* Get outdoors - from hiking & cycling, to running & walking, who needs a gym when we're surrounded by hills, tracks & beaches? Opting for an outdoor workout will not only prevent home based distractions, but save those pennies from being wasted on an unused gym membership.

* Cleaver budgeting - healthy eating doesn't have to be expensive. Opting for unbranded products as opposed to branded, & shopping around for offers & promotions will ensure that you remain on budget, while still consuming a healthy diet. Supermarkets also have a tendency to reduce unsold items towards the end of the day, so try shopping mid evening instead of mid day for those healthy bargains.

* Use the weather to your advantage - don't be one of the 73% who admit to letting their exercise slip during the winter months. Instead, invest in some good quality water resistant clothing & use the weather to your advantage. Even simple adaptations such as pushing your bike into a head wind before cycling back will provide an awesome workout, without the stress of pushing yourself too far. A summer body is made in the winter.

* Believe in yourself - never underestimate the power of self belief. Weight loss may be hard, but its not impossible. Set small, achievable goals & take one day at a time. We all have days where we eat too much & move too little, but whats important is that you dust yourself off, & start again the following day. You are strong enough to achieve your weight loss goals.

A one hour workout is only 4% of your day. Whats your excuse?

Carbohydrates: They aren't the enemy!

Acting as the body's main source of fuel, carbohydrates are essential in order to supply the body & mind with the energy they require to function & exercise efficiently.

If your diet fails to provide an adequate amount of carbohydrates, energy supplies remain limited, the risk of malnutrition will be increased, & long duration aerobic exercise such as jogging & running will be impossible to maintain.

Although many deprive themselves of carbs in the hope of losing weight, exercising half heartedly as a result of a lack of energy won't provide the results you're striving for, as you will feel tired, weak & incapable of achieving optimum performance.

As someone who has drastically reduced their carbohydrate intake to the point of being anorexic, I cannot stress enough how vital carbohydrates are for adequate health, & fitness fuel. They are NOT the enemy. In fact, this particular nutrient is found in everything from rice & pasta, to fruit & vegetables, so unless you are going to survive on air & increase your risk of developing numerous health concerns, please take a step back & listen to your body as opposed to the image obsessed media bursting with ridiculous fad diets.

Tip of the day: A third of your daily food intake should be made up of starchy carbohydrates, & another third made up of fruit & vege. For healthier alternatives, opt for wholegrains such as brown rice & wholemeal bread, & consume at least 5 portions of fresh fruit & vege a day.

How to workout in comfort, style and confidence

Finding comfortable sports wear to flatter your shape & fuel your confidence can often prove difficult, particularly with problem areas such as troublesome tummies & bigger busts to contend with, but there are three items I swear by when it comes to working out in confidence:

Bold prints - opting for leggings with a bold, busy print will not only flatter those bums, but draw attention away from the areas you are less confident with.They also give a whole new meaning to working out in style!

Support - a good quality sports bra is essential for ladies with a bigger bust. As someone who has experienced exercising as a larger person, I found the support of a sports bra invaluable, not only for comfort, but also for confidence.

Tummy troubles - even though I am currently maintaining a healthy weight, my tummy will always be the one area that I will never be 100% happy with. A drop waist vest was my saviour during my bigger days, & is the perfect option for those who want to avoid accentuating their stomach. A baggy batwing top is also a great alternative, & fantastic for disguising those unsightly bingo wings!

For an extra confidence boost, try to steer clear of grays, blues & brights which are all prone to emphasizing those underarm sweat patches. Instead, opt for patterns, & colours such black, navy & white.

Weight loss motivation

With an abundance of machines, classes & methods to choose from, pinpointing the 'right' exercise for you can often feel like a daunting prospect, but with a little intuition, experimentation & self belief, we can all find our exercise niche.

Although daily workouts may prove to be a physical challenge, many forget that they are also mentally stimulating, & should be embraced with an open mind. By accepting that everyone is different as opposed to following the crowd or latest fitness fad, you will be able to listen to your body in order to determine what works for YOU, & your individual goals, fitness level & lifestyle.

Tip of the day: Persistence is key. You are more likely to see change by sticking to a form of exercise that you enjoy.

Good fats vs bad fats

Acting as the body's most concentrated source of energy at 9 calories per 1g, fats can often create confusion in the world of dieting.
Although a healthy 'diet' should include a reduced fat intake, many fail to distinguish the two types of fat: saturated & unsaturated, & the affect they have on our body.

When it comes to maintaining a healthy body & diet, the type of fats consumed can not only determine whether weight is lost or gained, but influence the development of numerous health conditions.

Saturated fat - found in cakes, biscuits, pastries & animal fats to name but a few, saturated fats should be reduced as much as possible with the average woman consuming no more than 20g per day, & average man no more than 30g. Not only will a reduction in saturated fat minimize the risk of obesity, but heart disease as a result of raised cholesterol.

Unsaturated fat - omega-3 essential fatty acids found in oily fish such as salmon, sardines & mackerel, & seeds, nuts & olive oils, do not require reducing. These healthy fats are not only an essential part of a healthy, balanced diet, but can lower blood cholesterol & should be consumed as an alternative to unhealthy saturated fat.

Tip of the day: Never assume that all fats are bad for you. With the right knowledge & food choices, you will realise that there is always a healthy alternative to eating well.

Exercise: The importance of adequate fluid intake

With the average person losing approximately 0.85 litres of water via perspiration, & 0.35 litres through breathing, its easy to understand why exercise increases our need for an adequate fluid intake, but what happens if we fail to provide our body with a sufficient supply of water?

Dehydration can not only have a damaging impact on temperature maintenance, but affect both our physical & psychological performance:

*Endurance - you will be unable to perform at the same intensity during aerobic exercise such as running & jogging - particularly when exercising for longer durations.

*Strength - a reduction in strength will occur during anaerobic exercise such as high exertion training over short durations i.e. weightlifting.

*Concentration - reduced concentration will result in a lack of accuracy when performing exercise related tasks such as catching or hitting a ball.

*Reaction - reaction times will decrease as a result of confusion.

In order to ensure optimum performance, it is essential to include regular water breaks throughout the duration of physical activity, & avoid postponing water consumption by waiting until the feeling of thirst kicks in - dehydration can develop even if the body has lost as little as 2% of its water content.
Exercise may be an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, but how we perform it is equally as important.

The definition of a healthy balanced diet

he first stage of transforming your body is to associate the term 'diet' with healthy eating...

A healthy, balanced 'diet' isn't a short-term fad, but a long-term lifestyle change that will provide your body with the essential nutrients & energy it requires in order to remain healthy, & function efficiently. By incorporating the following key nutrients into your daily snacks & meals, you will not only be providing your body with maximum nutrition, but be one step closer to optimum health & well-being:

*Carbohydrates - acting as the body's main source of energy, opt for wholegrain alternatives such as brown rice & wholemeal bread for healthier fuel.

*Fat - at 9 calories per 1g, fat is the most concentrated source of energy & should be obtained via fatty fish such as salmon, as opposed to the saturated fat found in cakes & pastries - the unhealthy fat sources we need to avoid!

*Protein - although the body rarely burns protein as its sole fuel source, this is still an essential part of a healthy, balanced diet & can be found in lean meat such as chicken, & eggs.

*Vitamins - each with an independent function, vitamins are essential for adequate health & can be found in food sources such as kale & berries.

*Minerals - each with an independent function, minerals are crucial for the maintenance of a healthy body & preventing health conditions such as iron deficiency anaemia. Opt for food sources such as organ meats (iron) & bananas (potassium).

*Water - crucial for survival, water is found in every cell, tissue & organ & although the recommended daily allowance is 8 200ml glasses for women, & 10 200ml glasses for men, additional supplies are essential during warmer climates & physical activity. If you're not a fan of water, get yours from alternate sources such as fruit, vege & soup.

Sugar: Are you consuming too much?

Fizzy drinks, cakes, sweets & biscuits are just a selection of the culprits responsible for the high dietary sugar intake of UK adults & children, & with one 500ml bottle of cola containing the equivalent of 17 cubes of sugar, its easy to understand why these energy dense food & drink sources with little nutritional value, can contribute to health conditions such as weight gain & tooth decay.

At the beginning of my weight loss journey I decided to eliminate all food & drink sources containing additional sugar from my diet, & as a result, shed 2 stone just by cutting fizzy drinks alone.

Although we don't need to cut down on the natural sugars found in fruit & milk, we do need to reduce the amount of added sugar in the form of sweets, cakes, biscuits & fizzy drinks if we want our diets, & bodies, to remain as healthy as possible.

A nutritious energy boost

For a nutritious energy boost guaranteed to keep that sweet tooth at bay, opt for a banana as opposed to sugary snacks.

Bursting with essential nutrients & natural sugars, this superfood not only provides a sustained increase in energy without the slump often experienced after consuming a sugary snack, but controls blood sugar to ensure unwanted binging between meals is avoide

Fitness on a budget

For those of you seeking beneficial fitness equipment on a budget, I would highly recommend investing in a pilates resistance band & a stability/swiss ball.

As such fun & versatile pieces of equipment, both items can be tailored to suit your individual fitness level & goals, while providing an awesome workout without the stress & expense of a gym, or hassle of trying to fit in that daily workout.

The swiss ball is fantastic for developing & improving balance & core strength, & creates correct spine alignment which is great for your posture! The pilates band is also equally as fantastic & is perfect for banishing those bingo wings, & toning those inner thighs!

Curb that sweet tooth the healthy way

You don't always have to reach for the chocolate in order to satisfy your sweet tooth! This bowl of red grapes, banana & melon is not only bursting with essential vitamins & minerals, but the perfect healthy alternative to nibbling on sweets & biscuits.

Hill Walking: The ultimate workout

After being inundated with messages asking how I train, I thought it would be a great idea to share my weekly fitness regime.

Please note that the following workout is intense & should be built up over time. Pushing your body too far, too soon, is how injuries occur, fatigue develops & exercise becomes a chore:

Day 1: Hill climbing x 11 up & down, followed by double step climbs x 11

Day 2: Hill climbing x 9 up & down, followed by 10 x double step climbs & 5 x step sprints (running up & down steps as fast as you can)

Day 3: Rest, with upper body strengthening using weights & a balance ball (core)

Day 4: Hill climbing x 8 up & down, followed by 11 x double step climbs

Day 5: Hill climbing x 5 up & down, followed by 10 x double step climbs OR a 40 minute bike ride

Day 6: Hill climbing x 8/9 up & down, followed by 11 x double step climbs & arm strengthening using weights

Day 7: REST!!

The duration of my training sessions can last from 30-50 minutes depending on my speed & stamina, with my core & arm strengthening sessions only lasting 15-20 minutes.

Due to the extreme incline of where I train, my stomach & booty also get a great workout which means my body requires very little additional work on those stubborn problem areas!
I honestly cannot recommend hill climbing enough, particularly if you're wanting to transform your body, get a booty lift, abs & gain some serious muscle! Plus you can't beat those stunning views & fresh air.

Salt: Are you consuming too much?

With 75% of the salt we eat already in every day food sources such as cereal, bread & ready meals, its easy to understand why the majority of us continue to consume at least 2g more than our recommended daily allowance, but is this simple seasoning really as bad as its made out to be?

Although a small amount of salt is essential, consuming too much can lead to high blood pressure, increasing the risk of developing life threatening health conditions such as heart disease, & stroke.

A great tip to eliminate the risk of high dietary salt intake, is to remember that adults should consume no more than 6g (one full teaspoon) of salt per day, while aiming to limit the consumption of food high in salt such as ham, salted & dry-roasted nuts, gravy granules & smoked meat & fish, & avoiding adding additional seasoning to meals, snacks & cooking preparations.